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How Much Does Tile Removal Cost in Mandurah?

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  • Tile Removal

The cost for a tile removal service in Mandurah, Australia, varies depending on several factors. However, on average, a tiling service typically costs $30 - $45 per square meter, or a licensed tiler can charge you from $45 - $100 per hour.

Costs usually depend on the additional services you require and the type of flooring to work on. Other factors include your location, the amount of labour involved, and the tools used for the project.

Installing a new flooring without getting rid of the old one is impossible. If you are thinking about putting down new tile, you must take out the existing flooring. Remember that cost and quality are of utmost consideration. This article will help you get an idea of how much it will cost to hire a tile removal service in Mandurah.

Standard Costs for Tile Removal Projects in Mandurah

Here’s a breakdown on the average cost of different tile removal tasks in the Mandurah area.

Tile Removal Task
Cost Range
Floor Tile Removal
$25 - $50 per m2
Wall Tile Removal
$40 - $50 per m2
Bathroom Tile Removal
$20 - $50 per m2
Tile Removal and Installation Package
$37 - $65 per m2

Remember that the above table only shows the average costs of tile removal tasks.  Several factors can influence the actual price depending on the job specifics and other requirements.

One type of tile removal to consider involves asbestos. I highly suggest hiring a professional and licensed tiler for the task. Asbestos removal must be done correctly to eliminate and avoid any dust particles that can damage the lungs and cause serious health problems.

Professional tilers tend to charge an hourly rate between $45 to $150 for a package deal that can include removal and laying down of tiles, as well as other services.

Factors Affecting Tile Removal Cost

The overall cost associated with a tile removal project depends on various factors. Aside from the average per square meter rate or a tiler’s hourly rate, it is reasonable to expect additional costs. You must recognise these factors to help you determine how much the total cost of your project will be.

Keep these reasons in mind when calculating your tile removal project cost, whether at your home or in your commercial spaces.

#1 Floor/Wall Size

Calculating the cost of a tile removal project is mainly dependent on how big the area is. The larger the wall or the floor, the higher the cost. You may be tempted to DIY the project to save on cost, but relying on a pro ensures an effective and quality job.

#2 Location

The area where you live matters when it comes to the cost of a tile removal service. In places where the cost of living is high, tilers and flooring companies may charge more. Your location from your contractor can also affect the cost. If you are far from your contractor, they may charge more for travel time and logistics.

I highly suggest working with a local service provider in your area. Look for a highly reputable tile removal expert that provides services for homes and businesses in Mandurah, Perth and the Bunbury area. Go with a contractor who uses the highest quality materials and product and has worked in line with Australian Standards.

#3 Labor

Tile removal is a labour intensive and time-consuming process. Flooring experts have an extensive and challenging job. No wonder the more considerable bulk of the cost for these projects are allocated for the workforce needed to complete the job.

#4 Tools and Equipment

Professional tile workers usually use a chisel and a scraper to remove tiles from the wall or floor. Others utilise specialised scrapers while some use heavy-duty equipment like a jackhammer to remove the tiles.

Of course, quality equipment is a craftsman’s best friend. It shows their total commitment to performing an excellent job. If a tiler or a contractor invested money in this equipment, they might also charge extra for their service.

#5 Dust Removal

Tile removal is messy and dirty, and contractors usually offer dust removal service for an extra cost. Some tilers may market a dust removal service as part of their offering with specialized equipment to remove tiles without leaving any dust behind. If you want to use this service, prepare to pay extra. However, it is worth it because you don’t have to spend time and effort cleaning.

#6 Tile Disposal

Another service that may cost you an additional fee is the disposal of your removed tile. Removing and hauling tile debris to the dumpsite can be too much work. Consider the scope of your project, and if you think you need tile disposal as part of your package, you can inform your contractor. And they are happy to include tile disposal as part of your service package.

#7 Expertise/Experience

Conducting due diligence to find a contractor to work for your home or business tile removal is essential. Work only with trusted and qualified contractors to ensure quality craftsmanship and professionalism.

WA Surface Preparation is an excellent choice if you live in the Mandurah area. We have been in the industry for 15 years with licensed, insured and trained professionals to provide the best tile removal service for your home or business.  We work with keen attention to detail and finish a more clean and spotless job than other contractors and tilers in the city.

Average Tiling Rates Across Australia

To help you understand the local cost for tiling services, I have prepared a table below for the tiling labour rates across Australia. 

Average Tiling Service Hourly Rate
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
  • These are approximate rates, and specific cities may charge lesser or higher than the cost provided. Discuss and clarify important project details with your contractor to get a more accurate price.

    Risks of Removing Tile Floors Yourself

    Yes, removing your floor or wall tile yourself can save you money. Still, I don’t think it’s a good idea - especially if you don’t have enough knowledge and experience to do it safely and appropriately. It is a lot of work, and you run the risk of destroying your subfloor if you don’t know how to do it, resulting in more cost. Plus, it is extremely difficult and time-consuming.

    Tile removal is tricky and dangerous. You may injure yourself and hurt others if you don’t know how to use the necessary equipment and do the task properly.

    A professional job, like what we do, on the other hand, ensures quick, safe and quality work.

    Why Hiring Professional Tilers is Worth Your Money?

    One of the main benefits of hiring tile contractors is to save time. We complete these tasks way quicker, saving you not only time but also money.

    Second, pros are trained to work with the latest equipment to ensure that the completed job is of the highest standard – no chipped edges and especially no mess.

    Lastly, what you get from working with us is the solid confidence and assurance that your tile removal project is done carefully, without damaging your property and hurting anyone in the process.

    How to Find the Best Local Tiler?

    The best local tile professionals must possess experience and expertise beyond that of an average skilled tiler. A professional tile removal service provides a transparent and honest estimate on the cost and timeframe to finish the work.

    You can do your homework and look for a contractor that is locally owned and operated. You can also opt to check their website and social media pages and read testimonials from former customers to get an idea of how good their services are.

    Get personal recommendations from friends and family to check if they can vouch for that particular contractor. 

    It is also wise to contact them directly and ask for a free quote to estimate how much you will be spending. You can also compare prices to get the best value for money.

    You may also ask for photos of their recent jobs to reference their work.

    How to Save Money When Hiring a Tiler?

    Tip #1: Talk to your tiler and discuss possible discounts and other ways to lower the cost of removing your tiles. Most contractors offer discounted rates for package projects like tile removal and laying and other additional services.

    Tip #2: Find a reliable tiler with the necessary permits and licenses to legally operate in your city. This guarantees that they are legit and can perform a job that is up to scratch.

    In Conclusion

    Working on a tile removal project, may it be in your home or a business establishment, is an investment that can add value and beauty to your property.

    Besides finding an expert contractor to work with, it is vital to understand how a tile removal project works – including the costs, time estimate, and other considerations.

    Meanwhile, you can check our company, WA Surface Preparation in Halls Head, Mandurah, or call us at 0418-734-225 for a free quote and free site assessment.

    You can call us for expert advice and a free quote, and we will be more than happy to help.

    Our 15 years in the industry can attest to our expertise, professionalism, and service quality.

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